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A set of oneliners that has been the most useful for me.


jq is like sed for JSON data.

Listing an array of AWS instances from providerID + node name + labels

for i in {i-001,i-002}; do jq -r --arg i "$i" '.items[] | select(.spec.providerID | contains($i)) | {node: $i, hostname: .metadata.labels."", roles: .metadata.labels | with_entries(select(.key | test("^")))}' my-nodes.json ; done
for i in {i-001,i-002}; do
jq -r --arg i "$i" '
    .items[] |
    select(.spec.providerID | contains($i)) |
        node: $i,
        hostname: .metadata.labels."",
        roles: .metadata.labels | with_entries(select(.key | test("^")))
' my-nodes.json


  "node": "i-001",
  "hostname": "",
  "roles": {
    "": "infra",
    "": "",
    "": ""

  • Breakdown explanation

    • test: This is a jq function that tests if a string matches a regular expression pattern.
    • "^": This is the regular expression pattern that specifies the string to match. In this case, ^ matches the start of the string, and is the pattern we want to match.

When applied to each key in the labels object, test("^") returns true if the key matches the pattern "^" (i.e., if the key starts with ""), and false otherwise.

This filter function is used to select only the keys in the labels object that start with, effectively filtering out other keys. This allows us to extract only the labels related to node roles from the labels object.

Get specific fields values from multiple containers inside a pod

oc get pods -o json | jq ".items[] | { pod_name:, containers: ( .spec.containers[].resources | { requests } ) }"
oc get pods -o json | jq '
.items[] |
    containers: (
        .spec.containers[].resources |


  "pod_name": "logging-loki-gateway-68d8b7744b-qvlw6",
  "containers": {
    "requests": {
      "cpu": "500m",
      "memory": "500Mi"
  "pod_name": "logging-loki-gateway-68d8b7744b-qvlw6",
  "containers": {
    "requests": null

Extract all unique "usernames" from a json file

cat data.json | jq .user.username -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

Get specific fields values from multiple pods

Get the pod name, the creationTimestamp and the node where the pod is hosted.

  oc get pods -o json | jq -r '.items[] | + " ===> " +.metadata.creationTimestamp + " ===> " +.spec.nodeName' 


my-nginx-1 ===> 2024-04-22T10:10:00Z ===> worker-hevs-westeurope1-xxxx
my-nginx-2 ===> 2024-04-23T10:10:00Z ===> worker-hevs-westeurope1-xxxx