Application using images from the internal registry
On this exercise1, we will deploy an application, tag and push a new version of the image to the Internal Registry, find where the image is hosted and patch the deployment to use the new image.
- Exposing the registry
- Application deployment
- Finding image inside the node
- Tagging and pushing an image to the internal registry
- Patching deployment image
1. Exposing the registry
Patch the Image Registry
Take note of the registry route:
2. Application deployment
- This example will use an image that assumes authentication to Red Hat registry, but any other image can be used.
oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: new-default-deploy new-default-deploy new-default-deploy new-default-deploy redhat name: new-default-deploy spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: new-default-deploy type: Recreate template: metadata: labels: app: new-default-deploy deploymentconfig: new-default-deploy spec: containers: - image: imagePullPolicy: Always name: new-default-deploy command: - /bin/sh - -c - | sleep infinity resources: {} EOF
3. Finding image inside the node
Inspect in which node the pod is hosted
Inspect the node where the image is hosted.
4. Tagging and pushing an image to the internal registry
Take note of your user token
Tagging and pushing image to the internal registry.
Use the exposed route to tag and push
sh-5.1# podman login -u myuser -p <token> Login Succeeded! sh-5.1# podman tag sh-5.1# podman push --remove-signatures
5. Patching the deployment to use a new image
Patch command to add the image recently pushed to the internal registry.
New pod running in the same node with the new image:
This exercise was particularly interesting because it was how I was able to test and reproduce a bug once. ↩